Still just working on my background images, i intend to have them fully finish at the end of next week and am currently on schedule todo so. I hit a bump when my portable hard drive corrupted and I lost about 6 hours of work the week before last.
I'm finally begging to like the images t
hat I'm producing,the mood board I created in pre-production has been a great help, Iv stuck that up on my bedroom wall along with my storyboards, character designs and concept art to keep myself thinking about the animation.
Having the storyboards up on the wall whilst drawing my backgrounds has been a great help for really quick referencing, and keeping the entire sequence of images in mind when thinking of what I actually need to prod
uce in regards to consistency and re-use of certain elements.
I have constructed a few clouds that I can re-use and combine in different ways so they look different so currently I am just working on their composition. I have also downloaded some
ground texture brushes for photoshop that I am now overlaying over my original simpler grounds and have been able toskew the image to create a good sense of depth in the shots.
Originally I just used the eraser at varying levels of opacity to create depth in the ground detail (less as it reaches into the distance). However I am now using layer masks in combination with the gradient tool to create an adjustable gradient of transparency which allows me to easily edit and re-edit the gradient opacity of the detail. Comparing the 2 techniques together, they both have their advantagesand disadvantages,so I think I'll use a combinationof the 2 for themost part to create the ground textures.
Here's 2 background images in the early stages:

and later stages:

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